Episode 2

Dr. Eldridge Henderson - Black Man's Burden ch. 1 Discussion


November 9th, 2023

51 mins 53 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Jean Greene and Dr. Eldridge Henderson discuss the first chapter of William Holtzclaw's autobiography, Black Man's Burden. Dr. Henderson worked on the Utica Campus for a number of years and is deeply familiar with Holtzclaw's writing and philosophy. In this episode, Jean and Dr. Henderson discuss the continued relevance of Holtzclaw's work today.

Dr. Eldridge Henderson is a business owner, professional educator, and administrative leader in academic and non-academic settings, including government agencies and community organizations. He has been successful in securing funds and developing model educational and training programs in collaboration with corporate, governmental, and community leaders. He is a sought-after public speaker, lecturer, seminar leader, columnist, author, radio and television talk show host who provides solutions as he addresses education, religion, economics and politics.

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